How do I place an order?

You can order at our website : www.A-Fashion-Story.com. Please visit our How To Shop page for detailed step-by-step guide. (SMS order is not accepted)

Do I need to email you to confirm whether the stock is available in your online catalog?

No, you do not need to email us to confirm the stock availability. When the online catalog shows "sold out", it means there is no stock currently. Otherwise, the item is available for you to purchase.

The items I am interested is sold out / out of stock, are they restockable?

Restock is possible and is so easy.All you need to do is to fill in your name and email address. Once we have ready stock again, we will email to notify you. For detailed instructions, please refer How to Restock.

How long would i wait for the restock

Restock will normally takes 10-14 days to arrive. If u have any enquiries regarding restock, please email me at support@a-fashion-story.com

Do you have a physical shop I can purchase from?

As of now, A Fashion Story is solely online-based and only transact online, we do not have any physical store at the moment.

How long is the reservation period for the items I order?

The Maximum reservation period is only 2 days. Reservation will be cancelled without notice if payment is not made after 2 days period.

What happen if I place order but do not proceed for payment for a period of time?

Item that has been placed order will be reserved for 2 days for further payment by user. After this period, the order would be cancelled and the item will be available for other customers to purchase.


What shipping method is available? How much is it?

For Malaysia, we are using POS LAJU. It is flat rate at RM6 for west Malaysia and RM9 for east Malaysia. It is flat rate no matter how many items you purchase.

Free shipping available?

Free shipping is available for order above Rm100 (Malaysia only).

Do you provide COD?

COD is not available in A Fashion Story currently.

When will my items be shipped?

Item will be ship out on the same day if payment is done before 11 am daily. Payment after 11am will be shipped out the following day.

When will I receive my items after payment is made?

Item will reach you in 2-5 working days (depends on location) after payment is made.


How long is the reservation period for the items I order?

The Maximum reservation period is only 2 days. Reservation will be cancelled without notice if payment is not made after 2 days period.

What payment method is available?

We accept Maybank, CIMB bank, Public Bank, Singapore POSB bank and PAYPAL (for international buyer).

Do I need to provide evidence after I make payment ?

If you make payment using ATM machine, direct deposit or online transfer (from Maybank, Public bank, CIMB or POSB bank) to our bank account, no evidence is needed.

However, if online transfer is done from banks (other than Maybank,CIMB bank, Public Bank or POSB bank), print screen image is needed.

What should I do after make payment?

Kindly inform us at support@a-fashion-story.com once you make the payment. After checking, we will arrange the shipment as soon as possible.


What shipping method is available for international deliveries?

We are using POS REGISTERED and EXPRESS COURIER for international delivery. Click HERE for the shipping charges and methods.

How much is the shipping charges?

Click HERE for the shipping charges and methods.

How do I pay?

For Singapore orders, u can bank into our POSB account.

For International orders, Credit card transfer and paypal is available. Please email us at support@a-fashion-story.com for payment details.
* Malaysia orders do not accept paypal


I am a retailer, I am interested to get items from you, is it possible?

We do wholesale as well. You can refer the wholesale details HERE.