
Pay RM250 to Enjoy our 35% wholesale discount.
Below would be the information for our wholesale scheme.
The wholesale price = retail price * 0.65 (35% discount)
*Note : Prices shown in the website are retail price (before wholesale discount price)
To qualify for 35% wholesale discount, each order must be at least RM385 in a single order.After 35% wholesale discount, it would be RM385 x 0.65= RM250.
Thus, you will be paying RM250 for items value of Rm385.
There is no restriction on how many quantity per design, you can mix all the items together.
Items are sent by POS LAJU.
FREE SHIPPING (for malaysia order only)
1. Create an account with us HERE2. Place the order in www.a-fashion-story.com & Make payment
3. We will deliver ur items the next day.
1. Prices shown in website are all retail price (before 35% wholesale discount)2. Once u clicked "Check out" button from shopping cart, the 35% discount will be automatically deducted for you (provided that u have met the Minimum Order Quantity).
*If your shopping cart doesn't have items value of at least Rm385, the 35% discount will not be deducted
3.Items are only reserved for 2 days for making payment. Payment information are available HERE
FAQ for wholesale
Discount and Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ)
What is the Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) to get 35% wholesale discount?
The MOQ to get the wholesale discount is RM385.
It means that u must have items value of at least Rm385 in ur shopping cart.
After 35% discount, u would be paying RM385 x0.65 = RM250.
So you are actually paying RM250 for items value of RM385
How much is your wholesale discount?
Our wholesale discount is 35% off retail price. All the prices stated in our website is retail price (before 35% discount)
For example, for a necklace stated at RM18 in our website is retail price.After wholesale discount, you are getting a price of RM18 x 0.65 = Rm11.7 (provided that you have met the minimum order quantity)
Can you lower the Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ)?
Currently our MOQ is set at RM385 (before discount), after the 35% wholesale discount, you will be paying RM250 for items value of RM385 (RM385 x 0.65 = RM250)
Do you have any other reseller or agent plans?
Currently we only have 35% wholesale plan available. So sorry that we don't have any other agent or reseller plans.
Product Details
Is all your items ready stock or pre-order?
All our items are ready stock items.
It means that once payment is received , we will arrange delivery for you the next day.
May I know how is the quality of the items?
We strive our best to make sure our customers are satisfied with our products.
We have received testimonials from customers telling us how much they like their purchase.
Click HERE to view our testimonials.
Also, our facebook fans have been growing and a lot of customers also post their testimonials at our facebook page too.
Click HERE to view our facebook page.
Is all the photos taken by you?
We do take photograph of the products ourselves.
For majority of the items, u can see the black frame portion with words written "Photo taken by A-Fashion-Story.com".
You can refer these photos as the standard of items you are going to receive.
How to order
How do I place the wholesale order?
All orders must be made through our online shopping cart to be considered valid. (SMS order is not accepted)
Please visit our How To Order page for detailed step-by-step guide.
How long is ur reservation period?
Once u have placed an order, the items are reserved for you for 2 days to make the payment. After the reservation period, we will cancel your order.
What will happen to my order after the reservation period?
Your order will be cancelled after the 2 reservation days.
Will you restock the items which are stated "sold out"?
We will try our best to restock the items, but we couldn't guarantee.
This is because some items will be sold out from our supplier too.
Another reason is due to our quality control whereby we will not restock the items if we think the quality is not good for certain batches.
How often you restock sold out items?
We restock sold out items mostly in beginning and end of the month. If u subscribed for restock in our website, we will email and SMS you when the items are back in stock again.
How to restock the items I am interested?
All you need to do is to fill in your name and email address. Once we have ready stock again, we will email and SMS to notify you. For detailed instructions, please refer "How to Restock.
Cash-On-Delivery (COD) and postage
Do you provide Cash-On-Delivery service?
So Sorry that we only send out the items to you using postage method. Currently we are not offering any COD service at the moment.
What postage you use and how much is it?
We are using POS LAJU to send out your items. And we are charging RM5 for west malaysia, Rm8 for east malaysia flat rate per shipment no matter how many items you are purchasing
Do you have any showroom which I can visit and take the stocks directly?
We don't have any showroom at the moment. You can place the order form our website.
International Wholesale Order
Do you ship overseas?
Yes , we do ship to overseas too and for detailed shipping charges, click HERE or you can email us at support@a-fashion-story.com